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Hello community,

I'm storing some shapefiles in a MSSQL Server database.


How can I get the SQL script FME used to create the database and populate it from the shapefile ?

Thank you

Hi @lianaolianov, are you wondering what sort of INSERT statement FME is using to write your shapefiles to your SQL Server database?
Hi @lianaolianov, are you wondering what sort of INSERT statement FME is using to write your shapefiles to your SQL Server database?
Yes exactly



Hi @lianaolianov, thank you for clarifying your question! You can set up a trace on your database that will show you all of the SQL commands that have been sent to it. It's here that you'll be able to see all of the INSERT statements. This might be something that you'll have to ask your DBA to set up for you.

Hi @lianaolianov, thank you for clarifying your question! You can set up a trace on your database that will show you all of the SQL commands that have been sent to it. It's here that you'll be able to see all of the INSERT statements. This might be something that you'll have to ask your DBA to set up for you.

Thank you very much for your answer. It's the first time I hear about this technique. How can I set up it ?


