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Hi, I want to find duplicate addresses in the data based on duplicate address numbers.

The way that I found in ArcGIS Pro is using spatial join of the layer with itself using attribute matching “address number”. This way if a point has a duplicate with the same address number in the same location, is joining with the point with the same address number and if a join count is more than 1 display, there is a duplicate. 

I am looking for a way to do the same step in FME. I used SpatialFilter but did not get a result. I really appreciate any suggestion for doing this analysis.

Also, in ArcGIS Pro, it is possible to join spatially "within a distance". Is this option available in FME?

maybe the “point on point overlay” would do what you are looking for? followed by a matcher

Or use a NeighborFinder and group by the “address number”

Thank you DanAtSafe . NeighborFinder worked.

