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Since upgrading fme workbench to 2020.0, when I click on a feature writer with an excel format, it takes 30 seconds for the feature writer to open. Making any changes after it opens from there is painfully slow. Windows (windows 10) resource monitor shows fme desktop as being unresponsive for a bit while it's loading. Has anybody else experienced this?

Hi @johnglick,

Sorry to hear that you've run into this. We haven't noticed any issues with the FeatureWriter lately using the Excel format. Does this occur immediately after you select the Excel format in the FeatureWriter or do you also need to select a destination? Would you be able to share any screenshots on your FeatureWriter parameters?

excel featurewriter.pngit happens as soon as I select the excel format.

I am having similar issue while using FeatureWriter for Excel

Built: FME 2020.1
