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I wanna create a shapefile reader wich prompts me everytime for a source file destination beacause i am planning to apply my workspace on multiple files. I made the sourcefile as a user parameter, but when I change the file I get always the following message :

Unexpected Input: During translation, some feature were read that did not match a reader feature type in the workspace. This can happen if the reader dataset if changed, or a reader feature type removed or renamed.

Hello @lianaolianov,

There is a similar question here.

Please, check if this is necessary in your case.



Hello @lianaolianov,

There is a similar question here.

Please, check if this is necessary in your case.



Thank you for your answer


however, the problem is that, afetr getting this message, the translation doesn't run at all. I have to set anew all the reader's parameters



Hi @lianaolianov, the warning message indicates that the reader feature type name didn't match some feature types within the source dataset you have set. If all feature types didn't match, the reader feature type outputs nothing. I guess you have encountered this situation.

If your requirement is to read every feature belonging to any feature type, try changing the Shapefile reader feature type to a single merged feature type. Just check the 'Merge Feature Type' checkbox.

Hi @lianaolianov, the warning message indicates that the reader feature type name didn't match some feature types within the source dataset you have set. If all feature types didn't match, the reader feature type outputs nothing. I guess you have encountered this situation.

If your requirement is to read every feature belonging to any feature type, try changing the Shapefile reader feature type to a single merged feature type. Just check the 'Merge Feature Type' checkbox.

This solved my problem


Thank you very much



Hi @lianaolianov, the warning message indicates that the reader feature type name didn't match some feature types within the source dataset you have set. If all feature types didn't match, the reader feature type outputs nothing. I guess you have encountered this situation.

If your requirement is to read every feature belonging to any feature type, try changing the Shapefile reader feature type to a single merged feature type. Just check the 'Merge Feature Type' checkbox.

Solved my problem too... But why don't make it automatically when I change the path of the sho reader? ...
