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I'm traying to export a numbor of polygon shapes into an CytiGML model.


The shapes contain the roofs, walls, and ground of the buildings


I've noticed that because of the way the polygon vertices are placed arownd the contour,(clockwise or counterclockwise) the faces that are created in cityGML are visible as front faces for counter-clockwise orientetion of the vertices and back faces for clock orientation.


I've tried to filter the shape using orientation extractor and attribute filter but i don't get any result.


What is the conection between the orientation and the vertex placement, if is there any?


Has anybody encountered this problem before?


The simplest way is to change the direction of the vertices in arcmap but i don't know if it is posible?Open for suggestion.


Please help!



The Orientor transformer can be used to change the orientation of a polygon, but I'm not sure if it's necessary for writing CityGML.



