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I have a workspace that reads from a source File Geodatabase (.gdb) using the ESRI Geodatabase Open API format. When running the Workspace in Workbench with prompts, the parameter for the Source limits the browser to and/or understands that a File Geodatabase (.gdb) is the only acceptable selection/input.

I have since published said Workspace to FME Server and the same parameter has no such limitation/understanding. When browsing to select the input (GDB) it displays the items within the GDB the same as if it were a simple directory (folder). If I click "OK" after choosing not to select anything within the GDB, server places the directory path in the parameter with a "/" at the end signifying that I want to use everything in the GDB as the input instead of the GDB as the input and the Workspace fails. If I manually remove the "/" from the end and run it, it succeeds.

What must be done to get the published Server Workspace to function as the Workbench Workspace does?

Hi @dane_stephenson



Because .gdb is an interesting format type (it basically is a folder) it behaves as such in FME Server.


To run a workspace with a .gdb in FME Server, you have three options:



1. Use a


You can upload zipped up geodatabases to FME Server either in resources or the temp uploads and point the workspace to the .zip. The workspace will still run successfully.



2. Point it to the .gdb folder


You can upload a folder to the resources of FME Server and point it to it. It will have a / at the end of the path (which you can type to remove), and the workspace runs successfully (tested in 2018.0.1).


3. Manually type the path in


You can paste the path to the .gdb in the parameter box, and as long as it's where the .gdb is, the workspace will run successfully.

Hi @dane_stephenson



Because .gdb is an interesting format type (it basically is a folder) it behaves as such in FME Server.


To run a workspace with a .gdb in FME Server, you have three options:



1. Use a


You can upload zipped up geodatabases to FME Server either in resources or the temp uploads and point the workspace to the .zip. The workspace will still run successfully.



2. Point it to the .gdb folder


You can upload a folder to the resources of FME Server and point it to it. It will have a / at the end of the path (which you can type to remove), and the workspace runs successfully (tested in 2018.0.1).


3. Manually type the path in


You can paste the path to the .gdb in the parameter box, and as long as it's where the .gdb is, the workspace will run successfully.
I greatly appreciate the answer. Unfortunately, I had already resolved these answers, I just still do not understand how something that functions properly in Desktop requires a work around in Server.


