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Hi. I have a FME Server 2014 workflow that is created exactly the same way as the following FMEpedia article: FME Server Workflow Management ( A controller script is starting multiple other scripts via serverjobsumitter transformer (the scripts were created in FME Desktop 2014). Unfortunately the workflow is not using only one engine as stated in the article but two. So now my controller script is waiting for the submitted jobs to be finished and in the meantime blocking the second engine. Can someone give me a hint where I have to change this behavour? Thank you very much!
Hi Simon,



Have a look at this post!/feedtype=SINGLE_QUESTION_DETAIL&dc=FME_Server&criteria=ALLQUESTIONS&id=906a0000000d1dAAAQ (!/feedtype=SINGLE_QUESTION_DETAIL&dc=FME_Server&criteria=ALLQUESTIONS&id=906a0000000d1dAAAQ)


There was an issue with FMEServerJobSubmitter. If you upgrade to SP2 or newer, it should work.



Thomas, thank you very much and sorry for not seeing the related post. That's it, we are currently running FME Server 2014 (without any SP). So we will update as soon as possible.


Thanks again!


