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I have been getting the following error message while trying to run a workflow.

-"Could not open the Enterprise Geodatabase. The error number from ArcObjects is: '-2147216028'. The error message from ArcObjects is: {No SDEHOME environment variable set}Please ensure the connection parameters are correct (server=`sde', user=`***', password=`***', database=`', version=`')A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details."-

Has anyone else come across this error message before?

Thanks in advance.

Hello @1011analyst


Which version of FME are you using, along with 32-bit or 64-bit? Do you have ArcGIS installed and licensed on the machine? If so, which version of ArcGIS do you have(Desktop, Server, Pro)?.


Are you able to confirm you have the following set:


- If using 64-bit FME is ArcGIS 64 bit background Geoprocessing installed as well?


- is there a system environment variable AGSDESKTOPJAVA pointing to the ArcGIS install?

I have FME(R) 2017.1.0.0 (20170731 - Build 17539 - WIN64), ArcGIS is licensed and installed.

I am running:

FME Desktop 64-bit

ARCGIS Desktop with Background Geo-processing 64-bit

AGSDESKTOPJAVA is pointing to the ArcGIS install.

Thanks for your help in advance!

I have FME(R) 2017.1.0.0 (20170731 - Build 17539 - WIN64), ArcGIS is licensed and installed.

I am running:

FME Desktop 64-bit

ARCGIS Desktop with Background Geo-processing 64-bit

AGSDESKTOPJAVA is pointing to the ArcGIS install.

Thanks for your help in advance!

Which version of ArcGIS do you have installed?


As a last resort, you could try setting a system environment variable: SDEHOME and point it to the location of 64 bit SDE dlls in my case it is here: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\ArcGIS\\Desktop10.5\\bin64



Duplicate :

Which version of ArcGIS do you have installed?


As a last resort, you could try setting a system environment variable: SDEHOME and point it to the location of 64 bit SDE dlls in my case it is here: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\ArcGIS\\Desktop10.5\\bin64




I have version ArcGIS 10.3.1.



I set up the sytem environment variable and obtained the following error (similar to original one with a different ArcObjects #):



Could not open the Enterprise Geodatabase. The error number from ArcObjects is: '-2147155644'. The error message from ArcObjects is: {Cannot connect to database because the database client software failed to load. Be sure the database client software is installed and configured correctly.}
Please ensure the connection parameters are correct (server=`sde', instance=, user=, password=`***', database=`', version=`')


A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details




I have version ArcGIS 10.3.1.



I set up the sytem environment variable and obtained the following error (similar to original one with a different ArcObjects #):



Could not open the Enterprise Geodatabase. The error number from ArcObjects is: '-2147155644'. The error message from ArcObjects is: {Cannot connect to database because the database client software failed to load. Be sure the database client software is installed and configured correctly.}
Please ensure the connection parameters are correct (server=`sde', instance=, user=, password=`***', database=`', version=`')


A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details



I think your server name is incorrect.


Your database name too.


You should check the instance, it should look like (sde:sqlserver:SERVERNAME)



I think your server name is incorrect.


Your database name too.


You should check the instance, it should look like (sde:sqlserver:SERVERNAME)



I double checked and those parameters are fine, I removed some of the results that why the instance is blank.




I have version ArcGIS 10.3.1.



I set up the sytem environment variable and obtained the following error (similar to original one with a different ArcObjects #):



Could not open the Enterprise Geodatabase. The error number from ArcObjects is: '-2147155644'. The error message from ArcObjects is: {Cannot connect to database because the database client software failed to load.  Be sure the database client software is installed and configured correctly.}
Please ensure the connection parameters are correct (server=`sde', instance=, user=, password=`***', database=`', version=`')


A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details



Cannot connect to database because the database client software failed to load.

Make sure the correct database client software is installed. For 64-bit FME, you need 64-bit client libraries. For 32-bit FME, you need 32-bit client libraries.

(Writing at this late date, because we have just observed the SDEHOME error here shown incorrectly, when in fact the real error was missing software, just like you report here.)
