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Hi All,



I have a workbench which calls several Feature Classes from a Feature Dataset on an SDE.  Each month as property is processed, a new Feature Dataset is created on the SDE containing Feature Classes of the same names.



I have tried to set a parameter which prompts the user for the Feature Dataset location each time the workbench is run (Parameter) but all to no avail.  The closest I can seem to get is to point it to the SDE.



Has anyone encountered this problem before?  Know of a way around?



I have mainly been trying with a "Directory (Existing)" parameter, however in desperation have even tried a "Text" parameter!



Any assistance would be appreciated.



Usually the features types to read setting (reader>parameter>advanced) when published can provide the user with a list of features (feature classes) to read before translation.



..aaah yes.


Same issue i was tryin to solve.


Apparently a shortcomming of FME.


Alle choice inputs are static...u need to provide a list aforehand.


Dynamicaly....wel its not as dynamic as suggested...u'll need Python or Tcl.



Mr. Takashi solves this using Python.


Others do wrokspacecallers and Python or Tcl.



Im tryin both now, havnt found the time to finish it yet tho
Thanks Gio... Not really what I wanted to hear but at least I know to stop butting my head against that brick wall. 😉
