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Good Day FME'ers,

I am having trouble writing to SalesForce. I understand the FME writes the features out to temporary CSV file before using the SalesForce Bulk API to load the data. The problem I am having is FME is dropping fields when writing the CSV file. Particularity, FME is dropping an ID field which is required in the SalesForce App. This ID field is Master-Detail data type (1:n parent-child relationship) and it set to read/write.

What's frustrating is, if I export the records as a CSV field then upload them manually, it works fine. The log file and help are rather useless too.



I don't see any known issues of this type. In fact the only things I found at all for the writer were length of field name (now fixed) and filtering out of read-only fields (which your isn't).

So I think you'll need to contact the support team about this ( - let them know the version of FME being used and also include the log file, even if it doesn't appear that helpful.

Hi @Mark2AtSafe, thanks you for response. I will forward this query to support. , thank you for your reponse.

This is also happening with me.
