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Good morning!

Today my FME Desktop 2017.0 has given me the following error while running a Workspace:

It doesn't start at all. Not even the log is written.

This is a workflow to update several metadata XML files. For the ID of those metadata I have used "fme_(type_of_metadata)". For the ATOM service and the Dataset metadata is working fine, but with the view service metadata always gives me the error from the pic.

If I change the metadata ID to something else, the workspace runs without issue. So it seems I have hit some restricted words for the "metadat_id" variable value.

Is there any place in the documentation where I could check which words we are forbidden to use?


I don't think there are any reserved words used in your screenshot above (I'm not sure if there any reserved words other than those reserved by the OS).

To test, I created an empty workspace in FME 2017 and defined the exact same published parameters:

It runs perfectly, so I suspect something else is the problem.

I don't think there are any reserved words used in your screenshot above (I'm not sure if there any reserved words other than those reserved by the OS).

To test, I created an empty workspace in FME 2017 and defined the exact same published parameters:

It runs perfectly, so I suspect something else is the problem.

I thought it was weird, too. But the only thing I have changed to make it work is the "metadata_id" when I'm processing the view service XML file.



At first, I thought it could be that the view service XML file wasn't OK. So, I have taken one of the other XML files that are working fine and treated it as the view service metadata. Same error.



As I have said, not even the log is wirtten; so the error is not in the workflow. My next idea was checking for blank spaces in the "metadata_id" value, but there wasn't any (although it should be able to accept them).



So changing the ID has been the next step. From "fme_cp_viewservice" to "cp_viewservice_fme"... same error. From "cp_viewservice_fme" to "test": It works!. From "test" to "fme_cp_viewservice" (just in case)... the error again. From "fme_cp_viewservice" to "geo_viewservice": It works again!



Maybe it's random and my FME is having a bad day today...



I thought it was weird, too. But the only thing I have changed to make it work is the "metadata_id" when I'm processing the view service XML file.



At first, I thought it could be that the view service XML file wasn't OK. So, I have taken one of the other XML files that are working fine and treated it as the view service metadata. Same error.



As I have said, not even the log is wirtten; so the error is not in the workflow. My next idea was checking for blank spaces in the "metadata_id" value, but there wasn't any (although it should be able to accept them).



So changing the ID has been the next step. From "fme_cp_viewservice" to "cp_viewservice_fme"... same error. From "cp_viewservice_fme" to "test": It works!. From "test" to "fme_cp_viewservice" (just in case)... the error again. From "fme_cp_viewservice" to "geo_viewservice": It works again!



Maybe it's random and my FME is having a bad day today...



That's really weird. I'd consider sending the workspace to Safe support for analysis.
