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Hello friends. Help solve the problem of replacing the textures of a 3d object. I have an object to convert to gltf, textures of different formats are applied to the object and they need to be brought to the webp format (I understood how to do this part). But I don't understand how to use the Appearance Setter correctly. Any help is welcome.


Hi @muzhnasto​,

When you add a glTF writer to the workspace, you can open its Parameters and set the output Texture Format to WebP Only. There is no need to manipulate the textures within the workspace - the writer should automatically do that for you.

Hi @daveatsafe​,

I was counting on it too , but the process is aborted 😕


2022-10-18 09:57:48|  0.3| 0.0|ERROR |WEBP writer: Unsupported band interpretation 'RED16'. Please convert the interpretation to one of the following valid types: BLUE8, ALPHA8, GREEN8, RED8. This can be done with the RasterInterpretationCoercer and RasterBandInterpretationCoercer transformers

2022-10-18 09:57:48|  0.3| 0.0|ERROR |WEBP writer: An error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

2022-10-18 09:57:48|  0.3| 0.0|ERROR |GLTF writer: An error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

2022-10-18 09:57:48|  0.3| 0.0|INFORM|Translation FAILED with 3 error(s) and 0 warning(s) (1 feature(s) output)


Hi @muzhnasto​,

OK, I see the problem.

I am attaching a workspace that will adjust the textures to 8 bit before writing to glTF.

When FME reads a textured object, the texture images are stored in a Shared Item library in memory. These Shared Items are used to write out the textures on output. The workspace directly modifies the textures in the library, to avoid the need to re-apply textures on the 3D objects, using the SharedItemRetriever and ShareItemAdder.

Screen Shot 2022-10-18 at 8.18.01 AMBecause this workspace is accessing Items in memory, it works best when Feature Caching is disabled.

Hi @daveatsafe​ that's great, thanks for your response. 👍 🍻
