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I am reading data for MySQL and would like to prevent migrating the same data each time i run the workbence (it will be running as a scheduled task). To do this I have created an 'export' field in MySQL, with a default value of '0'. The workbench has a tester at the start, that will only allow a value of '0' through, and at the end of the workflow, I want to change all '0' values to '1'. I get an error when trying to run this writing back to the MySQL database.



My question is this, normally I would use the database updater transformer, but this will not write to MySQL, so how would I update the MySQL database and change these values.



Many thanks in advance.



What kind of error are you getting from MySQL?



Also, have you tried using an SQLExecutor?



Thanks David, I was trying to use the standard writer wich failed, the SQLExecutor worked a treat.



Many thanks
