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Reading unversioned SDE table with archiving enabled


I'm trying to connect to an unversioned table that has archiving enabled. I'm using the Esri Geodatabase (ArcSDE Geodb) reader. I connect as the owner of the table, the same user that was used to enable archiving.

In the table list i cannot see the table ending in _evw (the database view containing the archived information), only the feature class itself. Should I be able to see the _evw-table?

I add this Archive Where clause: GDB_FROM_DATE > 20070101090000

When trying to read the features, I get this error message: "Invalid archive where clause. The archive where clause must be in the format 'GDB_FROM_DATE|GDB_TO_DATE <logical operator> <date> [AND GDB_TO_DATE <logical operator> <date>]' and be space delimited."

What am I doing wrong? Are there any other fields I should have filled in? Could the date format be wrong? There are no historical versions or historical markers in the database.

5 replies

  • December 4, 2015

Concerning the view, it will depend on your ArcGIS version and how the view was defined. In general, if it is a regular database view you will have to either register it as a layer in SDE to make it visible in ArcGIS (prior to ArcGIS 10.2 I believe), or you will have to define it as a query layer (starting with ArcGIS 10).


  • May 2, 2016

I think you have forgotten doubles quotes. The following archived clause should work :

"GDB_FROM_DATE > 20070101090000"


  • November 7, 2016

Hi all,

I want to reopen this topic as I encountered an unexpected behaviour in FME 2016. When I use an ArcSDE-Reader and insert e. g. "GDB_FROM_DATE > 20070101090000" (with double quotes) for Archive Where Clause, I get the desired results.

When I use a FeatureReader and input the same feature class and Archive Where Clause, however, I get the following error message:

Invalid archive where clause. The archive where clause must be in the format 'GDB_FROM_DATE|GDB_TO_DATE <logical operator> <date> [AND GDB_TO_DATE <logical operator> <date>]' and be space delimited

Does the FeatureReader-Archive Where Clause parameter expect another format and outputs the wrong error message? I have also checked this thread but couldn’t find anything relating to FeatureReader specific adpations.

Best regards,


PS: I am using FME 2016.1 (Build 16494).

  • Contributor
  • November 9, 2016

Hi Folks,

We are looking a new variation of this problem mentioned by @andr_ where the Archive Where Clause is not working when used in the FeatureReader and indeed this is a known issue. In fact the problem is related to original issue posted by @ turid_skedsmo where we noticed you need to use double quotes around the Archive Where Clause. Unfortunately this work-around doesn't work in the FeatureReader. We are looking for a work-around and our developers are looking into this problem but in the meantime apologies for the inconvenience.


  • November 9, 2016

@KenAtSafe : Thanks for the fast response. Do you have, by chance, any information on when this issue may be fixed?


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