it should be doable, but i can depend on a few factors. What type of gdb is it, a File Geodatabase? If so, which Reader and Writer are you using, the one based on ArcObjects or the API version?
What does the last lines of the FME log say?
Hi David,
I've tried a couple of different reader/writer combos but the operation I'm trying to do is a simple CenterPointReplacer, so polygon input, point output. I'm using a FileGDB with the API reader/writer. The final few lines of the log are:
FME API version of module 'FILEGDB' matches current internal version (3.7 20131121)
Emptying factory pipeline
Unexpected Input Remover(TestFactory): Tested 861 input feature(s) -- 861 feature(s) passed and 0 feature(s) failed
Unexpected Input Remover Nuker(TeeFactory): Cloned 0 input feature(s) into 0 output feature(s)
Source -> Generic(TeeFactory): Cloned 861 input feature(s) into 861 output feature(s)
bathymetric_contours Feature Counter -1 3(TeeFactory): Cloned 861 input feature(s) into 861 output feature(s)
bathymetric_contours -> NewFeatureType Correlator(TeeFactory): Cloned 861 input feature(s) into 861 output feature(s)
Final Output Feature Type Router(TestFactory): Tested 861 input feature(s) -- 861 feature(s) passed and 0 feature(s) failed
Final Output Nuker(TeeFactory): Cloned 0 input feature(s) into 0 output feature(s)
Thank you.
as long as you're not writing to the same feature class you're reading, it should work without a problem.
I recommend that you check with ArcCatalog if the output feature class already exists, if so try to delete it from ArcCatalog before re-running the workspace. Also try re-creating the file geodatabase using ArcCatalog, if possible.