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I have a large number (~1000) Excel files that I need to import into a database table. They are many different formats, so using a reader with a defined schema will not work. I would like to have the output contain the following attributes:

  • Filename
  • Sheetname
  • RowNumber
  • ColumnNumber (preferably as a number but could be letters as used in excel)
  • value (as text)

I've tried numerous things and searched through many posts. It seems like this should be a simple task, but the Excel Reader attempts to detect a "schema" for a sheet, and it uses values it finds wherever in the excel as attribute names. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

What about using the Schema Reader to read in the excel files, that will give you attribute{}.name, with the index being the Column Number, the Filename would be fme_dataset (or fme_basename if you don't want the full path), the sheet name fme_feature_type_name.

Merge that with your regular excel reader data, which should have the xlsx_row_id exposed.

Then use an AttributeExploder to get one feature per Attribute per row.
