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I need to read a file from an external Sharepoint server in FME Desktop. When I open the https link in the web browser I first get directed to a login page where I can type the username and password.


Is it possible to pass domain\\username and password in the Source file parameter in FME so the Excel file can be opened in FME?



Thanks, Daniel
Hi Daniel, 


We are just starting to release a Sharepoint reader in betas of FME 2015 and I believe you should be able to read your excel file directly from Sharepoint and enter the credetials into the reader.  This is of course early days for this reader but you might want to download the beta of FME 2015 and take a look.  Otherwise in FME 2014 you'd need to use a series of Http transformers and FeatureReader transformer to do this and it gets a bit complicated.




