
Python Exception : 401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url:

  • 29 November 2019
  • 7 replies


Hi All,


I have an FME workbench which read a feature layer from ArcGIS online and export the information into excel sheet, my workbench is running fine in the desktop without any error but when I published it to FME server some times it’s working and sometimes I got the following error “Python Exception <HTTPError>: 401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url:


Please note that I include the AGOL connection when I published my fme, I created a new app for this workbench so my users could run it from their side


I’m using FME 2019


Any Ideas?




7 replies

Badge +14

Hi @rawansaleh,

What build of FME are you using on Desktop/Server? I believe this was fixed in 19731 and later. Just looking and it looks like we haven't had a 401 for the past 2 months. I have found that this error generally appears when your access token has expired. I suggest that you try to re-authenticate the web connection on FME Server and see if that helps.

Good luck!

Badge +5

Hi I am getting the same error on FME Server

I have re-authenticate the web connection on FME Server, still fails - Using 2019.2.3.2




I'm facing the same issue. I'm using the FME latest version and have re-authenticated the connection, but still returns same the error. Is there other solution can be done to resolve this issue?

Userlevel 1
Badge +9


I'm facing the same issue. I'm using the FME latest version and have re-authenticated the connection, but still returns same the error. Is there other solution can be done to resolve this issue?

Hi @aafirah​ ,


Have you configured the OAuth connection in FME Server? This should allow FME Server to refresh your connection.


The instructions to do this can be found in my comment here:


If you are still having issues with this could you submit a support case?

Badge +5

@siennaatsafe​ @aafirah​ @rudy_v​ @runneals​ @rawansaleh​ 

I was having the same issue for one of my clients. This is what I did to solve the issue:

  • I created another app in AGOL-- I also added the URI to reference FME server on the app.
  • Updated the client and secret info on web connection-- I was on FME server at this point.
  • Opened the workbench and republished to FME Server.

This is not ideal but it worked for me.

I'm having the same issue. Is there a fix? I have authenticated a connection but get a similar error.error

Solved the problem, we logged in as the server user and authenticated the AGOL connection and it now works.
