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I've recently upgraded to FME Server 2014 but am having problems publishing or downloading workbenches using FME Workbench 2014. It works fine when I use FME Workbench 2013.



The problem is a permissions issue where it says:



Login failed (Not Authorized) - Ensure that username and password fields are correct, and that user has sufficient privileges.



I don't know what the issue is as even using administrator gives this error and like I said if I go back to FME Workbench 2013 it works fine with the same username.



Which logs would I need to look in to help with this?






When not using Active Directory:


If not, have you tried with a user that has sufficient permissions? You can view the permissions from the Security tab in the Web Admin interface. Trying the admin account is a sure way to test whether its permissions related or FME Server related.



When using Active Directory:


If you are utilising Active Directory for credentials, this error has been known to happen when the DN contains lower case rather than upper case details. For example






rather than






The DN is stored within the Security section of the web admin when Active Directory is being used.



Within the fmeserver config file (within the installation directory of FME Server and within its Server folder) there should also be a section notating the SECURITY_SUPERUSER_ROLE. Ensure that this is set to a Active Directory group and ensure that the correct case is used (e.g. CN rather than cn)






I believe authentication is logged in the fmeserver log file (within the installation directory and within its Logs folder) Other logs may also hold information.

