
ProjectWiseWSGConnector to move files from local machine

  • 27 July 2020
  • 1 reply

Hi. I have a bunch of xlsx files that are created daily that need to be loaded to PW. They are all in the same directory so I used a TestFilter to separate them out. I can't select the 'File' option on the PW Connector b/c the date changes everyday and the Folder option won't work either. I did have some surface success with Attribute, but the files are corrupt when they land in PW. I am a bit of a newbie, so any help would be appreciated.

1 reply

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If you select the "File" option to upload, you can supply it with an attribute that has the path and file name.

To do this: As you are already using the Directory and File path reader, in the ProjectWiseWSGConnector you should be able to specify the path_unix attribute which holds the path and filename (so you don't need to know the name of the file if it's changing each day):


Hopefully this should work, and you can specify the output folder for the project object ID.

- Andrea
