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I am trying to use a FeatureWriter to write my features out to a ShapeFile. When connecting the last transformer to the FeatureWriter the FeatureWriter automatically determines how each field name should be renamed (in case a field name is longer than 10), but it doesn't connect each attribute to the renamed field names. Thus when running the workspace it fails when trying to write a feature:

FeatureWriter (WriterFactory): Field name 'ID_NAMESPACE' is greater than the maximum 10 character length



Is this on purpose? 

The "Automatically connect attributes" option on the connection to the FeatureWriter is disabled, so I can't fix it that way. The only way I can think of is to manually rename all fields to match those chosen by the FeatureWriter.

The workspace has previously been running without problems in FME 2018 or FME 2019.

I am using FME 2020.0.0.1 x64 on Windows 10.


Perhaps the Attribute Writer mapping got lost in version transition? What happens if you flick it to Manual and then back to Automatic to reinstate the Automatic Field Name vs Attribute Name mapping?

Perhaps the Attribute Writer mapping got lost in version transition? What happens if you flick it to Manual and then back to Automatic to reinstate the Automatic Field Name vs Attribute Name mapping?

I tried to create a new FeatureWriter which is going further and could allow it to start over but it still doesn't connect them - it only does the renaming.

@chau I have been able to reproduce your problem in FME 2020. FeatureWriter does seem to convert the attributes incorrectly with the error you mention:

Field name 'num_measures' is greater than the maximum 10 character length

The shape file writer was replaced in FME 2019.2 and the older writer deprecated in FME 2020. So I think this issue has probably arisen in this transition. So we'll try and get that addressed. In FME 2020 you might see the older Shape format listed as: Esri Shapefile (Replaced by SHAPEFILE)

In the mean time, you could try selecting the new Shape writer which will appear as 'Esri Shapefile' in the format list.
