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I've written some .net code that will run a workbench I've created in FME 2014





     IFMEOSession fmeoSession = FMEObjects.CreateSession();


     IFMEOWorkspaceRunner fmeoWorkspaceRunner = fmeoSession.CreateWorkspaceRunner();




This works in a standalone .net application.



I need to extend the program so that it also makes use of some ArcObjects code before calling FME.


I'm using ArcGIS 10.2.1.


The Arcobjects code also works in isolation.



The problem comes when trying to integrate the two.


It seems that after running the ArcObjects code a call to FMEObjects.CreateSession() will return an error message 'Session could not be created.  Registry mapping to FME core DLL could not be found.'



I've also tried running this on a machine with the ESRI Data Interoperability extension installed and in this case I get a success = false from IFMEOWorkspaceRunner.RunWithParameters with no log or error messages.


I can see from debugging the IFMEOSession and looking at the FME_HOME and version properties that it is trying to use the Data Interoperability extension and I suspect in this case the failure to run the workbench is due to the FME version of the Data Interoperability (reported as FME 2013 beta) being different from the one I have developed against (2014)




I need to find a way to be able to run an FME workbench from within an ArcObjects application so that it uses the full FME installation rather than the Data Interoperability extension


Can anybody help?
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