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I am writing features in a PostgreSQL database. Everything seems OK except for the following warning...



INFORM|Truncating existing table 'public.user_locations'...


INFORM|Appending to existing table 'public.user_locations'...


WARN  |PostgreSQL connection: Unknown type with OID 24635, treating as char(-1)



What does that warning means and what should I do to get rid of it?



Since I am about to load hundreds of GB of data, I just want to be sure everything will run smoothly after the upload...






could it be that table public.user_locations has a field with a data type that FME doesn't know how to handle?



Consider posting the table DDL statement here (copy/paste from pgAdmin).



That is right, I am using an ENUM data type ...


CREATE TABLE user_locations (..., location_type location_enum NOT NULL, geom geography);



Can I made FME aware of this data type or should I set the field as a text data type for uploading then change it as location_enum later? 



If the content the field "location_type" seems right after uploading test data, should I wonder?





as far as I can tell, FME doesn's support PostgreSQL enum types. If you do not have to write to this field, you can probably safely ignore the warning.



If not you will probably have to experiment a bit to see if it is possible to work around it.



