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Is there a way of setting the Geometry setting on the output feature type with a published parameter?

No, but you can try to set the geometry type on a per-feature basis using the postgis_type format attribute: file:///D:/Apps/FME2015/help/fme_desktop/FME_Desktop_Help.htm#../Subsystems/FME_Readers_Writers/Content/postgis/Writer_Directives.htm%3FTocPath%3DFME%2520Readers%2520and%2520Writers%7CPostGIS%2520Reader%252FWriter%7CMapping%2520File%2520Directives%7C_____2

No, but you can try to set the geometry type on a per-feature basis using the postgis_type format attribute: file:///D:/Apps/FME2015/help/fme_desktop/FME_Desktop_Help.htm#../Subsystems/FME_Readers_Writers/Content/postgis/Writer_Directives.htm%3FTocPath%3DFME%2520Readers%2520and%2520Writers%7CPostGIS%2520Reader%252FWriter%7CMapping%2520File%2520Directives%7C_____2

In 2015 works - this is related to the other post you commented on.


In 2016 if you do as the above it isnt actually setting it correctly


Have tried all the tricks....



In 2015 works - this is related to the other post you commented on.


In 2016 if you do as the above it isnt actually setting it correctly


Have tried all the tricks....



Have you tried telling FME to use a generic geometry column when creating the writer?



david_r - Link to your fil is't working any more. I have been trying to use Postgis_type in 2017.1, but I can't get it to work. Have any one succeed with this metode?
