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I'm having problems translating POSTGIS text into Autocad_text. I have a project set up for originally converting GML to DWG and the process works fine. I am now changing the input to a postgis database and all layers work  fine except for the text translation.



I have the AutoCAD_entity set to: Autocad_text but I get the error message:



The following feature is not valid because its entity type of 'autocad text' and its  geometry type of 'IFMEPoint' do not match. The geometry failed to be converted to match the type, so the feature will be skipped.



Any help appreciated,



Hi Mike,



I would isolate the failing feature to find out what make it different from the rest.


Possibly the geometry validator can also prove to be insightful.


Hope this helps.
Hi Itay



Thanks for the responce.



I seem to have fixed the problem using the "TextAdder" transformer which sets the features geometry to text. Strange as this was not a requirment when working with the GML - essentialy the geometry was FMEpoint on both occassions.






Hi Mike,



Glad to hear you have found a solution. The text adder is one of my favourite transformers when dealing with text features (no worries and no pain)




