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In my workspace, I've three ESRI GeoDB reader Feature Types with WHERE condition. Here values in the WHERE condition are passed from a private/published parameter input values.

Few things to be considered -

  • There are approximately around 100 values to be passed in sequential order from Excel sheet to Parameter values.
  • Workspace has to run completely for every input parameter value


Currently I was passing each value manually to the parameter and is time consuming.

Any thoughts on doing this more efficiently and quickly?


Thanks in advance!

Hi @fmeuser_gc, sounds that the FeatureReader could be a quick solution.

Read the parameters from the Excel dataset one by one, build WHERE parameter value, and pass it to the WHERE parameter in the FeatureReaer configured with Esri GDB.

Hi @fmeuser_gc, sounds that the FeatureReader could be a quick solution.

Read the parameters from the Excel dataset one by one, build WHERE parameter value, and pass it to the WHERE parameter in the FeatureReaer configured with Esri GDB.

Thanks @takashi. But is it possible to have multiple feature types in FeatureReader with different WHERE condition for each of the FeatureType?

I've tried this FME 2019, but looks like not supported. Is this supported in FME 2020 ?

Hi @fmeuser_gc, sounds that the FeatureReader could be a quick solution.

Read the parameters from the Excel dataset one by one, build WHERE parameter value, and pass it to the WHERE parameter in the FeatureReaer configured with Esri GDB.

No it's not possible, but it's OK if you pass pairs of feature type name and corresponding WHERE clause to the FeatureReader one by one.
