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I am attempting to use the Oracle Spatial Object reader to read-in ESRI feature classes that are stored in an Oracle database. The feature geometries are simple - point/line/polygon feature classes. When I attempt to read them into FME, everything seems to work, except for the feature geometry. When exposing fme_type, all records are set to fme_no_geom.


However, when using the Esri Geodatabase (ArcSDE Geodb) reader on the same feature classes, the geometries are kept and works correctly.


Is there something that I am missing when using the Oracle Spatial Object reader?


I am using FME Desktop 2021.2.6.

Hi @njsimmons44​, typically we recommend using the Esri Geodatabase ArcSDE Reader when reading Esri feature classes stored in an Oracle database.

Reading the tables directly from the Oracle database using the Oracle Spatial Object Reader is possible, but can have adverse effects as you're seeing here depending on your setup.


For your Esri feature classes, are they using SDO_GEOMETRY, ST_GEOMETRY, or SDE_BINARY? If you're using SDE_BINARY then you will need to use the ArcSDE Reader.
