Hi FME experts,
I have stored polygon objects in an Oracle database. The geometry is in the GEOM field. For an interface, I have to convert the GEOM field into a text field. The GEOM field looks like this:
select geom from VIEW_RIWE_2016_BORIS where fid = 70118
The TEXT field must later look like this:
POLYGON ((32563549.456 5934230.837,32563553.002 5934219.989,32563552.58 5934219.778,32563542.348 5934220.82,32563537.637 5934221.725,32563533.431 5934221.663,32563522.282 5934224.668,32563543.799 5934230.72,32563549.027 5934230.188,32563549.456 5934230.837))
With a bit of text editing, I could easily edit the field. My problem now is that the SQL Creator does not display the text from the SQL as an attribute, but only as a graphic object. Although I could read the geometry with CoordinateExtractor, I would have to put it together again correctly.
Is there a way to read the complete GEOM as a simple attribute?
Many thanks in advance.