Hi @ben_nion,
I suspect the issue is related to the Environment in Cesium in combination with the b3dm files themselves. I've experienced that objects, when written from FME appear shiny in Cesium (
https://knowledge.safe.com/questions/81028/3dtiles-gltf-reflective-surfaces.html ). The issue arises (I think) because FME adds a default metallic factor and default roughness factor to the models on output. I've experienced this when writing out to gltF 2.0 which, as I understand it, is what b3dm is based on. Because of these default values being set by FME all models appear shiny and reflect the sunlight. This is obviously not wanted in a triangulated mesh as it highlights each triangle as you've shown above.
I'm hoping that this issue gets fixed, or that a method is developed for setting these factors on an appearance - @daveatsafe mentions in my linked post that they might be looking into it.
You could consider using this open source tool, based on node.js to try and convert your obj instead: https://github.com/PrincessGod/objTo3d-tiles