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II read from a FGDB do some processing then I want to write back (update) to a field in the same FGDB.  I have a FeatureHolder immediately  after reading the FGDB to force complete reading before writing.  The Where clause  make sure I only update records with matching PremiseIDs (original source data and stream data).  I only want to update one field but I don’t see how to specify that field in the FeatureWriter.  In a AttributeManager before the writer I remove all other attributes than the one I want written.  Not working.



I believe it’s better to use OBJECTID under Columns for updates.

Only let through the update features and just keep the OBJECTID and the Premise_ID attributes and you should be fine.

This works for me:



Thank you so much.  This worked great!!   This makes so much sense to use the OBJECTID field.  So with this update option there is no way to specify a field to update.  In my case It is OK.  I’m just use to the SQL type Update which allows for specifying a field. 


Thanks again.
