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I have an FME 2020 workspace with an MS Access reader in it. MS Access 2013 Runtime is installed on my laptop. The workspace runs correctly. I have two FME Server/Form environments (2020 and 2023) with MS Access 2019 Runtime installed on them. The workspace will not run on either of them. 2020 FME Server wants the MS Access 2013 Runtime installed ("ADO Provider not installed or not compatible with FME architecture. Try installing Microsoft Access 2013 Runtime (x64)"). 2023 FME Flow wants the MS Access 2016 Runtime installed ("ADO Provider not installed or not compatible with FME architecture. Try installing Microsoft Access 2016 Runtime (x64)"). Is that because those versions of FME Server/Flow only work with those versions of MS Access Runtime? Or, is the MS Access Runtime info embedded in the FME workspace and I should install MS Access Runtime 2019 on the my laptop to work with either version of FME Server/Form? Bottom line is I would like to run the workspace on the 2020 FME Server for the time being and migrate it to 2023 FME Flow in a couple of months. Looking for info as to which direction to take to make things work.

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