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I can only use JDBC for my msaccess database in the office (no ODBC or MSACCESS DRIVERS in locked machine).. trying to load ~600,000 features causes the error : java.lang.StackOverflowError eventually..

tried changing as described here: FME_JVM_MAX_HEAP_SIZE variable, re-started FME, rebooted machine, doesn't seem to do any different.. I know I'm close.. I just don't know how to make this variable setting to add more memory to Java..

We'll see if others have better advice, but I've just learned you need to set both FME_JVM_MIN_HEAP_SIZE as well as FME_JVM_MAX_HEAP_SIZE for it to take an effect.

Hi @cesarp, you have likely encountered a bug; if you can share the source data with us it would be very helpful. The log file from a failed read would also be valuable. We will attempt to reproduce locally (tracked by PR#82699) regardless.

As a potential workaround, try setting an environment variable to increase the the Java stack size: JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-Xss4M (increasing the 4 as much as needed to make things work)
