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I have multiple feature classes that are in one geodatabase. I want to merge (append) these feature classes over a given schema to a separate file geodatabase. What transformer do I use?

No transformers needed. Just connect the input features classes to the output feature class and run the workspace.

No transformers needed. Just connect the input features classes to the output feature class and run the workspace.


When I do that it runs successfully if there is only one feature class in the output geodatabase. But once I bring in a second one it throws a bunch of "bad value" errors

If the output has the same schema, you should not even have to read the data twice. Just point the input feature types to both output feature types. Like this:

And connect both output feature types.

The bad value indicates a different schema (data types) for the second output.

Are you trying to replicate the original gdb or insert all the feature classes into 1 featureclass in your new gdb? If you want them all in one feature class @as erik_jan said above the error indicates different schemas so it can not merge them into one in that way.

If you want to write them out into separate feature classes in the same gdb highlight your reader and select duplicate on writer. If you are trying to push them all into one feature class they would need to be the same geometries and schema as the first.

Are you trying to replicate the original gdb or insert all the feature classes into 1 featureclass in your new gdb? If you want them all in one feature class @as erik_jan said above the error indicates different schemas so it can not merge them into one in that way.

If you want to write them out into separate feature classes in the same gdb highlight your reader and select duplicate on writer. If you are trying to push them all into one feature class they would need to be the same geometries and schema as the first.


I am trying to insert all the feature classes (merged over all the separate states as seen above ca_, co_, nm_, etc) and then output to a new gdb. I want the output feature classes to have the correct schema and if the schema doesnt match, me to be alerted.



I am trying to insert all the feature classes (merged over all the separate states as seen above ca_, co_, nm_, etc) and then output to a new gdb. I want the output feature classes to have the correct schema and if the schema doesnt match, me to be alerted.


@nlongwell do you know in what way these feature classes are different ? Can you run them through a geometry filter to check the geometry all matches to begin with.



Then I think you are getting the message about bad value because the datatype in the Writer allows for less characters then there are in the Reader featureclass or maybe one of the datatypes doesn't match what is expected in the reader. Maybe look at just increasing the characters on your writer first so it doesn't reject the data . You could use the attribute Validator if you needed to test your attributes. I'd try doing the above before I tackled any more complicated schema mapping as it looks from your comment above that these datasets should be pretty similar.




If your feature classes are in fact quite different you might want to check out the schemamapper or attributemanager to start mapping your featureclasses.





