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I extract the value in row which begins by FXXXXX (= fci field) and all the values from row 12 until the end. So, on the one hand, i've got 1 feature with 1 column (= fci = FXXXX) and on my other hand, 5 features with 16 columns

On output, i want to add fci field on my 5 features.

I've tried to use FeatureMerger/FeatureJoiner transformers with Requestor = 1 and Supplier = 1, but it doesn't work

But, i don't found the way to merge fci value with my other columns.

How can I do that ?

Thx in advance for helpingfci_suivi_commande_acces.fmw


Hi @carboon33

The workspace you shared creates the output in the screenshot below

Is this not the desired result?

Hi @debbiatsafe, thx for your answer. I created the temporary workspace for my question (it's an alleged version), and i'm suprising, it works ! . The difference is located on the FeatureMerger. For this case, if i change "Requestor" and "Supplier", it doesn't work. What is the difference ? Why i've got an error while there are no attribute in common ?

Hi @debbiatsafe, thx for your answer. I created the temporary workspace for my question (it's an alleged version), and i'm suprising, it works ! . The difference is located on the FeatureMerger. For this case, if i change "Requestor" and "Supplier", it doesn't work. What is the difference ? Why i've got an error while there are no attribute in common ?

Ahh, maybe I understand? If you want to merge all attributes from one feature onto others there can only be one Supplier. The Supplier it what the Requesters look for, if you have more than one Supplier with the same attributes the Requesters don't know which value to take and so FME complains that there are duplicate suppliers.

Always the single feature should be the Supplier. You caaaan generate a list if you have multiple Suppliers but it soinds like you don't want that.


Hi @debbiatsafe, thx for your answer. I created the temporary workspace for my question (it's an alleged version), and i'm suprising, it works ! . The difference is located on the FeatureMerger. For this case, if i change "Requestor" and "Supplier", it doesn't work. What is the difference ? Why i've got an error while there are no attribute in common ?

Yes, as @virtualcitymatt mentioned, you'd want the single feature to be the supplier. The FeatureMerger by default does not process duplicate suppliers. You would need to enable a parameter for the FeatureMerger to not reject the features in the case of duplicate suppliers.

With the FeatureMerger, the Requestors are the features that will receive new attributes and/or geometry while the Suppliers provide attributes and/or geometry to be merged onto the Requestors.

So in your case, the one feature with fci field would the supplier and the 5 features would be the requestors.
