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Hi All,

I'm trying to update MDB_ADO reader in existing workspace - it's new data delivery with the same structure as the previous one. I'm getting "An error occurred while updating the reader".

I tried also open some random tables in blank workspace, and I was able to do it, but after ran workspace I got "Error running translation" or FME has been closed "automatically".

At first I tried to do it in FME 2022.1.1.0 (64 bit), MS Office is 64-bit as well.

Then I installed the newest version of FME 2022.2.5.0 - at first everything worked fine - I updated mdb reader and I was able to run the whole workspace. When I closed FME and opened it again I wasn't able to update reader or open any other random tables in blank workspace - so same errors like in older FME version.

I tried clean all temp files, I created new temp folder, I tried to repair mdb via "Compact and Repair function in AccessDB. After all of these changes I was able again to work with mdb in FME, but after restart computer it doesn't work again anymore. It's really unstable.

It doesn't work with different mdb files as well.

I can read other formats like xls, csv, xml or postgres db - there are no errors.

Right now have to work with original mdb, there is no option to convert it to different format.

I don't have any other idea what is wrong, should I re-install FME?

Any ideas on this are highly appreciated.

Thanks for your help!

Hi @janka​ this either sounds like a really bad bug, or a corrupt workspace. If this is urgent for you I would suggest submitting a support case to have a dedicated technical support specialist investigate your case. Provide your full log file, your Windows Event Viewer Log (or Console Log on Mac), workspace, sample data, and anything else that might help us get to the bottom of this issue.

Otherwise, I would first try copying your entire workspace (select all readers, writers, and transformers) and pasting them in a new workspace and see if that helps. You can also try reinstalling FME as well to see if this helps.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi @Evie Lapalme​ thanks for the answer. Unfortunately I cannot read any random mdb even in blank workspace. I will try to reinstall FME and see if it helps.
