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When I try to connect to a MySQL DB I get an error message related to the encoding format of the server. As I’m not an admin I can’t change the encoding of the Server. How can I solve this issue in FME Desktop 2022.2.

Fetching Feature Types Error
<b>Failed to retrieve feature types.</b><p>MySQL: the MySQL server does not support the utf8 encoding. Aborting translation

Thanks for helping me out.


Kind regards,




This sounds familiar to me… I think you are on too old of a version of MySQL Databasae and will need to upgrade for this connection work from FME 2022+.
Likely is related to this issue:

Could you share the version of MySQL DB and the OS Host for the database server?

The only other thing you can do here is to move to a pre-FME 2022 release - FME Desktop 2021.2.6.  You can get that from the Downloads page or use this link


You might be right about the bug.

Server: MySQL 5.1.41-3

DBeaver does work with the following driver:

MySQL Connector Java mysql-connector-java-5.1.44 ( Revision: b3cda4f864902ffdde495b9df93937c3e20009be )]


So maybe I could use another driver I was thinking about using an ODBC driver that does work.



@guydaenen I’ve not played with the ODBC and MySQL but it could work. Likely won’t be as performant. 

Hmmm another really long shot is using JDBC Reader (vs MariaDB Reader)…  You could drop the aforementioned driver you tested with DBeaver into /Plugins/Java in our My Documents/FME folder. 

