I have many (about 20000)xyz files with Schema x (coord) y (coord) z (relative height) and no header.
My output should be a gdb with geodb_points geometry.
In my workbench I use csvReader so far. Then I use geometrieFilter Transformer. To read all the thounds of files I use a workspacerunner in an different workbench with the PATH reader. result is a gdb with 1000 feature classes. So now I have almost transformed 2/3 of my data (when I saw that huge disc space and stopped to improve workbench) but recognised that fme imported tables instead of feature classes (I guess in case of "wait for job to complete"=no at workspacerunner) .
To save disc space I decided to delete attributes (only one left: height) and work with 2DForcer.
My question ist now: how can I improve processing time? Using a different reader? Mark Ireland wrote there:
http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/54558/huge-... that xyzReader is much faster than csvReader. If I use xyzpointcloudReader I cannot use x y and z value as separate values.
Is it faster to transform all of xyz files again than using two different workbench (one for xyz to gdb and one for transformed gdb to gdb)? For the latter I`m actually using schema-writer with featureReader transformer.
Thanks for every information on that because I`m new to FME!