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Legend.tiff file created in temp folder?

  • 21 December 2021
  • 4 replies

I've been noticing something and having trouble resolving it.


I have a workflow that runs every half hour, it runs fine however I noticed that it is creating a legend.tiff file in temp in a numbered folder within /tmp. This does not seem to clear and is about 1GB.

I would like if this file was not created or at least removed when the process finishes. It will eventually create too many of them and lead to the disk getting full. I can remove them manually or with script on intervals, however I feel there must be a way for FME not to create them.


If any one has any tips on what transformer is creating them that would be great.

4 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +12

Hi @osarhan​ would you be able to provide a screenshot of the resulting location where the legend.tiff file is being created?


Temporary files should be cleaned when FME is shut down properly. This article provides a better overview of how FME cleans temporary files. If you want to clean temporary files manually you also have the option to use Tools > Purge Temporary Files.


Badge +1

This would usually work and does indeed clear folders, but not the folders that are an issue.

Badge +6

Hi @osarhan, A few questions regarding this issue! Are you using any custom transformers in your workspace? what are your TEMP, TMP, and FME_TEMP environment variables? and what FME Server build are you using and do you also run FME Desktop on the same machine?

Badge +1

I'm actually running a desktop, my FME_TEMP is set to /tmp/fme standard temp folder is /tmp


My workflow is relatively complex, invovlves pulling data from network locations, packaging it up in zips and shunting it over to GCP bucket and making a few http calls. Happy to share with you if you would like to DM me.


FME is version 2020.0.0 running on Linux Mint 19.3 (essentially it is Ubuntu)
