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I am exporting data to kml and in the placemarks list, an html table is included.

I would like to have only the placemarks listed without the html table preview.


Here is an example:


What I would like to get is this:

Example_TOC_NormalWould anybody have experienced this and know how to sort it out and make it look like the second one ?



Best regards,



Hello @topotoma​ 

As noted in this StackOverflow answer, one of the uses of an empty <snippet> tag is used to stop the first two lines of the <description> tag from appearing as the subtitle in the Places panel (TOC) of Google Earth Pro.

The KML writer appears to create empty snippet tags by default so I am unable to produce output similar to yours. Are you using the KML writer to create the KML output? I would recommend sharing your workspace if you are able to.


Alternatively, you can also use an XMLUpdater to insert a <snippet> tag containing a space into the KML file and then overwrite the KML with the resulting XML. This should stop the first two lines of the HTML table from appearing in the TOC when viewed in Google Earth Pro.


I have attached an example of this workflow and I hope it helps.

Hello Debbi,


Thank you for your help, I will upload the workspace as soon as I can.


I have been using a KML writer to create the KML output for years and this is the first time I encounter this issue of having a table in the Places panel.


I will also explore your solution soon. At the moment I have disabled the KML Property setter which triggers the creation of the table in places panel.


Thanks for your help.
