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I have a very simple workflow which reads ESRI Shape file  and converts it to either KML, MIF, MITAB etc. using generic writer. To create a compressed output file I appended .zip to DestDataset.



I am facing an unusual behavior in case I try to convert to KML. When I select KML as output format it creates zip file with kml but the file name inside the zip is comping as something _auto_zip_<some numbers>.kml. This is the case only for KML for MITAB, MIF file names are same as source shape file.



e.g. If source shape file is test.shp and output format is MITAB then it created zip with, etc but if the output is KML then it create zip with _auto_zip_1256789651236_1234.kml


Could anybody explain is this behavior as expected?





Hi John,



I would recommend you to request Safe support for the exact answer.


The following is my guessing.


Feature type of SHAPE, MIF, and MITAB is file-based. That is, a file can contain just one feature type; the file name is the feature type name. So, SHAPE schema can be mapped to MIF and MITAB in file level.


But KML is not so. A KML file can contain two or more feature types (layers); the file name is not a feature type name generally. SHAPE schema will be mapped to a layer in a KML file, not to the the file.


The behavior you came across might be related to that difference.



