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I gather @runneals​  has also had this. Writing (truncating) to an ArcGIS Online feature service (that was created by FME) fails with the following error.


WARN |ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: 'addResults' error for a feature in 'MAP_WS_POINT'. The error code from the server was '1000' and the message was: 'The type initializer for '' threw an exception.' 2021-01-25 23:34:13| 24.4| 0.2|WARN |... Last line repeated 999 times ... 2021-01-25 23:34:13| 24.4| 0.0|ERROR |ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: 10000 features successfully written to 'MAP_WS_POINT', but the server rejected the 1000 features in the last request due to errors


Anyone else getting this? Have asked our vendor but just posting here for wider visibility. It came up for the first time last night.

@runneals​ has updated me that this is an ESRI issue that he's pursuing.

Update.... esri is aware and actively looking into it, although they don't have a timeframe...

I believe the following errors are all related. The first code block shows errors when trying to query/read REST services.

<- HTTP body response ->
{"error":{"code":400,"message":"The type initializer for '\u003cModule\u003e' threw an exception.","details":l]}}
<- FME logs ->
The error code from the server was '1000' and the message was: 'The type initializer for '' threw an exception.'
 The error code from the server was '1000' and the message was: 'The type initializer for '<Module>' threw an exception.'
<- HTTP body response ->
{"error":{"code":400,"message":"Cannot perform query. Invalid query parameters.","details":{"Unable to perform query. Please check your parameters."]}}
<- FME logs ->
Python Exception <HTTPError>: 404 Client Error: Not Found for url: {SERVICEURL}/FeatureServer/0/query?f=json&token={TOKEN}

This second code block below shows the only error that I was able to figure out when applyEdits/writing (insert/update) to a service on ArcGIS Online.

The error code from the server was '1000' and the message was: 'The type initializer for '<Module>' threw an exception.'


As of 2021/01/25 @ 11pm UTC, esri support said they have a lead and that it's impacting at least hive0 which are organizations whose services are from the url.

I have had success in completing the workspace that was bringing up this issue, so I can overwrite feature service data successfully, but not sure if it means it is solved for the wider world.


Cause: An instance went bad.

Solution: Work with esri to have them restart it.


If you ever encounter any of these weird issues, attempt to mass produce the issue by using a simple powershell script to request the resource, then use a windows task scheduler to hit it every minute. Run fiddler to capture network logs and look to see if the X-ArcGIS-Instance parameter in the header is the same for all the ones having issues.


For the windows task scheduler, set the program to: Powershell.exe and the Add arguments to: -ExecutionPolicy Bypass LOCATION\\TO\\PowershellScript.ps1

I had a 502 and 504 error separately yesterday, after that resolution was reported by @runneals​, but as often occurs with ESRI errors there was little detail. I haven't got Fiddler up and running yet but if it happens again I may well do so. Process ran ok on schedule last night but will update this if it does fail again.
