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I am using FME 2018, there is no parameter in the FDB Open API Reader to 'Resolve Domains', as other Knowledge Base posts refer to such as: . If the API Reader does not have this ability, Does the ESRI Geodatabase Reader in 2018 have this? (I realize 64 bit geoprocessing package from ESRI is needed for other ESRI formats)?

Using the API reader, all domains are automatically resolved, meaning that it's the domain description that is returned (e.g. "Type B"), not the domain code (e.g. "2")

If you need the domain code, you'll need to use the full ArcObjects-based reader.

Using the API reader, all domains are automatically resolved, meaning that it's the domain description that is returned (e.g. "Type B"), not the domain code (e.g. "2")

If you need the domain code, you'll need to use the full ArcObjects-based reader.

Thank you, I do need to access the domain codes. I am working through an upgrade at our company. Other than compatible Bit-Versions (32 or 64 bit) for FME and ArcGIS, is any additional update (extension) required to view the ArcObjects Reader with an ESRI Edition FME license?



Thank you, I do need to access the domain codes. I am working through an upgrade at our company. Other than compatible Bit-Versions (32 or 64 bit) for FME and ArcGIS, is any additional update (extension) required to view the ArcObjects Reader with an ESRI Edition FME license?



If you have a licensed installation of e.g. ArcGIS Desktop on the same machine as FME, you should be good to go.


You can find all the details here:

Thank you, appreciate the help.

I've posted an idea for this...
