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I'm currently putting together a FME workspace that reads data from a DB2 database.


As I didn't have any driver installed, I followed this guide to install them in my computer. I'm using the db2jcc4.jar driver, Everything works fine.


I sent the same workspace to a client. They had installed the DB2 dirvers, so I told them to copy the db2jcc4.jar one to the plugins folder of the FME installation. When they run the worskpace, the db2jcc4.jar is ignored and FME uses the db2jcc.jar that is found in their IBM products installation, instead of the driver in the plugin folder.


Is there a way of forcing FME to use the db2jcc4.jar driver? With the other one, FME reads the alias of the fields instead of the names, which provokes several errors.


We are using a FME Desktop 2018.1 in a Windows machine.


Thanks for any help provided!

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