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Inspire WFS / datastreaming service

We have an inspire transport networks water dataset that we would like to setup a WFS service for. The data is already in gml format and validates ok with the XSD’s provided by FME. I have tried to follow the article: and indeed I do get getCapabilities to work and also manage to get data out through a web browser. The actual server is inside our firewalls - but can be seen through php here:



or to get some data (be a bit patient)



The problem is when using the data inspector or other software to view the data. Now I am doing it inside our firewall, Thus, there is no script in between to further mess things up with links and what not... It all looks promising and I can choose within the valid featuretypes for transportnetwork water.





But I do get an error:



Received HTTP response header: 'Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2015 11:48:08 GMT'


URI '' mapped to ''


'' mapped to 'C:\\Users\\4362\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\FME_XSD_CACHE\\fmexsd_1434713403790_2280.xml'


Parsing schema document 'C:\\Users\\4362\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\FME_XSD_CACHE\\fmexsd_1434713403790_2280.xml' ...


The top-level type definition referred to by the 'type' attribute in the element declaration is missing from the XML Schema


QName: 'kyv_wfs:fme_geometry{0}' | namespace uri:''


QName: '' | namespace uri:''


<element minOccurs="0" name="fme_geometry{0}" type=""/>


The XML Module halted on error, see the logfile for details


Failed to read features from '' using 'WFS' reader.




(Error in bold) I am not sure at all what happens here - It sorts of don’t get the xsd / xml right or something? Any ideas? Looking at the xml it looks different from other working examples. Where can I set or change?






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