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Getting the below error when trying to write the IFMEMultiSolid to Multipatch. I’ve tried to deaggregate the geometry but that didn’t work.

The 'HAS_Z_VALUES' keyword is set to 'AUTO_DETECT'. With the exception of MultiPatch feature classes, the dimensionality of new feature classes will be based on the first feature written to the feature class. (Features with no geometry are considered 2D)

A default z-value of '0' will be used for all 3D features where z-values are not provided

Esri Geodatabase Writer: Not simplifying geometries being written

Transactions are being used by the Esri Geodatabase Writer

Esri Geodatabase Writer: The field 'OBJECTID' in table 'Dissolved123' will not be updated since it is not editable

Processing on a solid has failed. The solid may be too complex, not closed, or not orientable.

Esri Geodatabase Writer: Failed to write geometry to MultiPatch feature class `Dissolved123'



Feature Type: `Dissolved123'

Attribute(64 bit unsigned integer): `Axis.ifc_instance_name' has value `218478'

Attribute(64 bit unsigned integer): `Axis_ifc_instance_name' has value `218478'

Attribute(64 bit unsigned integer): `Body.ifc_instance_name{0}' has value `218528'

Attribute(64 bit unsigned integer): `Body.ifc_instance_name{1}' has value `218561'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `Body.ifc_opening_id{0}' has value `3dfAcZYRiJKtFGRBzZiEaG'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `Body.ifc_opening_id{1}' has value `2G2BPIy8V4qaUWbhBJ08Io'

Attribute(64 bit unsigned integer): `Body_ifc_instance_name_0_' has value `218528'

Attribute(64 bit unsigned integer): `Body_ifc_instance_name_1_' has value `218561'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `Body_ifc_opening_id_0_' has value `3dfAcZYRiJKtFGRBzZiEaG'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `Body_ifc_opening_id_1_' has value `2G2BPIy8V4qaUWbhBJ08Io'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `GlobalId' has value `1CC02vuyP5NuKGrWgG6BO6'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `IfcMaterial.Name' has value `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Attribute(64 bit unsigned integer): `IfcMaterial.ifc_instance_name' has value `218570'

Attribute(64 bit real) : `IfcMaterialLayer.LayerThickness' has value `155'

Attribute(64 bit unsigned integer): `IfcMaterialLayer.ifc_instance_name' has value `218575'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `IfcMaterialLayerSet.LayerSetName' has value `Basic Wall:RSS Wall Panel - 11C'

Attribute(64 bit unsigned integer): `IfcMaterialLayerSet.ifc_instance_name' has value `218576'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `IfcMaterialLayerSetUsage.DirectionSense' has value `NEGATIVE'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `IfcMaterialLayerSetUsage.LayerSetDirection' has value `AXIS2'

Attribute(64 bit real) : `IfcMaterialLayerSetUsage.OffsetFromReferenceLine' has value `77.5'

Attribute(64 bit unsigned integer): `IfcMaterialLayerSetUsage.ifc_instance_name' has value `218577'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `IfcMaterialLayerSetUsage_DirectionSense' has value `NEGATIVE'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `IfcMaterialLayerSetUsage_LayerSetDirection' has value `AXIS2'

Attribute(64 bit real) : `IfcMaterialLayerSetUsage_OffsetFromReferenceLine' has value `77.5'

Attribute(64 bit unsigned integer): `IfcMaterialLayerSetUsage_ifc_instance_name' has value `218577'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `IfcMaterialLayerSet_LayerSetName' has value `Basic Wall:RSS Wall Panel - 11C'

Attribute(64 bit unsigned integer): `IfcMaterialLayerSet_ifc_instance_name' has value `218576'

Attribute(64 bit real) : `IfcMaterialLayer_LayerThickness' has value `155'

Attribute(64 bit unsigned integer): `IfcMaterialLayer_ifc_instance_name' has value `218575'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `IfcMaterial_Name' has value `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Attribute(64 bit unsigned integer): `IfcMaterial_ifc_instance_name' has value `218570'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `IfcWallStandardCase.GlobalId' has value `1CC02vuyP5NuKGrWgG6BO6'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `IfcWallStandardCase.Name' has value `Basic Wall:RSS Wall Panel - 11C:4550594'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `IfcWallStandardCase.ObjectType' has value `Basic Wall:RSS Wall Panel - 11C'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `IfcWallStandardCase.Tag' has value `4550594'

Attribute(64 bit unsigned integer): `IfcWallStandardCase.ifc_instance_name' has value `218498'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `IfcWallStandardCase.ifc_type_object_id' has value `16MrzTUN51yeVWEsl_pRgL_218578'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `IfcWallStandardCase.ifc_unique_id' has value `1CC02vuyP5NuKGrWgG6BO6_218498'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `IfcWallStandardCase_GlobalId' has value `1CC02vuyP5NuKGrWgG6BO6'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `IfcWallStandardCase_Name' has value `Basic Wall:RSS Wall Panel - 11C:4550594'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `IfcWallStandardCase_ObjectType' has value `Basic Wall:RSS Wall Panel - 11C'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `IfcWallStandardCase_Tag' has value `4550594'

Attribute(64 bit unsigned integer): `IfcWallStandardCase_ifc_instance_name' has value `218498'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `IfcWallStandardCase_ifc_type_object_id' has value `16MrzTUN51yeVWEsl_pRgL_218578'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `IfcWallStandardCase_ifc_unique_id' has value `1CC02vuyP5NuKGrWgG6BO6_218498'

Attribute(64 bit real) : `_x' has value `334489.3439523135'

Attribute(64 bit real) : `_xmax' has value `nan'

Attribute(64 bit real) : `_xmin' has value `nan'

Attribute(64 bit real) : `_y' has value `6254331.372708753'

Attribute(64 bit real) : `_ymax' has value `nan'

Attribute(64 bit real) : `_ymin' has value `nan'

Attribute(64 bit real) : `_z' has value `28.29'

Attribute(64 bit real) : `_zmax' has value `nan'

Attribute(64 bit real) : `_zmin' has value `nan'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `areaunit' has value `square_metre'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `electriccurrentunit' has value `ampere'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `electricvoltageunit' has value `volt'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `energyunit' has value `joule'

Attribute(string: windows-1252) : `fme_feature_type' has value `IfcWallStandardCase'

Attribute(string: windows-1252) : `fme_geometry' has value `fme_aggregate'

Attribute(string: windows-1252) : `fme_type' has value `fme_solid'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `forceunit' has value `kilonewton'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `frequencyunit' has value `hertz'

Attribute(64 bit unsigned integer): `ifc_instance_name_0_' has value `218484'

Attribute(64 bit unsigned integer): `ifc_instance_name_1_' has value `218489'

Attribute(64 bit unsigned integer): `ifc_instance_name{0}' has value `218484'

Attribute(64 bit unsigned integer): `ifc_instance_name{1}' has value `218489'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `ifc_type_object_id' has value `16MrzTUN51yeVWEsl_pRgL_218578'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `illuminanceunit' has value `lux'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `luminousfluxunit' has value `lumen'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `luminousintensityunit' has value `candela'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `massunit' has value `kilogram'

Attribute(32 bit unsigned integer): `multi_writer_id' has value `0'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `planeangleunit' has value `degree'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `powerunit' has value `watt'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `pressureunit' has value `pascal'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `thermodynamictemperatureunit' has value `degree_celsius'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `timeunit' has value `second'

Attribute(string: UTF-8) : `volumeunit' has value `cubic_metre'

Coordinate System: `MGA94-56'

Geometry Type: IFMEMultiSolid

Front Appearance Reference: `<inherited_or_default_appearance>'

Back Appearance Reference: `<inherited_or_default_appearance>'

Number of Solids: 1


Solid Number: 0

Geometry Type: IFMECSGSolid

Name(UTF-8): `Body'

Front Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Back Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Tree structure:

Boolean Operator: Difference

Left Operand:

Boolean Operator: Difference

Left Operand:

Boolean Operator: Difference

Left Operand:

Geometry Type: IFMEExtrusion

Number of Geometry Traits: 1

GeometryTrait(64 bit unsigned integer): `ifc_instance_name' has value `218484'

Front Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Back Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'


Geometry Type: IFMEFace

Sidedness: `2-sided'

Front Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Back Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Transformation Matrix:

|0.0009989892413862524 -4.4949923187032184e-5 0 334489.3439523135|

|4.4949923187032184e-5 0.0009989892413862524 0 6254331.372708753|

|0 0 0.001 28.29 |

|0 0 0 1 |


Geometry Type: IFMEPolygon


Geometry Type: IFMELine

Number of Coordinates: 5 -- Coordinate Dimension: 3


Extrusion vector: <0,0,6.265918629245367>

Right Operand:

Geometry Type: IFMEExtrusion

Number of Geometry Traits: 1

GeometryTrait(64 bit unsigned integer): `ifc_instance_name' has value `218489'

Front Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Back Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'


Geometry Type: IFMEFace

Sidedness: `1-sided'

Front Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Transformation Matrix:

|-4.4949923187032184e-5 -0.0009985795368026534 2.8607919960708787e-5 334489.3404686944|

|0.0009989892413862524 -4.493148836431418e-5 1.2872248784083063e-6 6254331.450130419|

|0 2.8636864918595984e-5 0.0009995898808849728 34.55591862924539|

|0 0 0 1 |


Geometry Type: IFMEPolygon


Geometry Type: IFMELine

Number of Coordinates: 5 -- Coordinate Dimension: 3


Extrusion vector: <0.012915066298785013,0.0005811186087251924,0.4512655796351084>

Right Operand:

Geometry Type: IFMEBRepSolid

Name(UTF-8): `Body'

Number of Geometry Traits: 2

GeometryTrait(64 bit unsigned integer): `ifc_instance_name' has value `218528'

GeometryTrait(string: UTF-8) : `ifc_opening_id' has value `3dfAcZYRiJKtFGRBzZiEaG'

Front Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Back Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Outer Surface:

Geometry Type: IFMECompositeSurface

Sidedness: `2-sided'

Front Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Back Appearance Reference: `<inherited_or_default_appearance>'

Number of Surfaces: 6


Surface Number: 0

Geometry Type: IFMEFace

Sidedness: `2-sided'

Front Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Back Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Transformation Matrix:

|0.0009989892413862524 -4.4949923187032184e-5 0 334489.3439523135|

|4.4949923187032184e-5 0.0009989892413862524 0 6254331.372708753|

|0 0 0.001 28.29 |

|0 0 0 1 |


Geometry Type: IFMEPolygon


Geometry Type: IFMELine

Number of Coordinates: 5 -- Coordinate Dimension: 3



Surface Number: 1

Geometry Type: IFMEFace

Sidedness: `2-sided'

Front Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Back Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Transformation Matrix:

|0.0009989892413862524 -4.4949923187032184e-5 0 334489.3439523135|

|4.4949923187032184e-5 0.0009989892413862524 0 6254331.372708753|

|0 0 0.001 28.29 |

|0 0 0 1 |


Geometry Type: IFMEPolygon


Geometry Type: IFMELine

Number of Coordinates: 5 -- Coordinate Dimension: 3



Surface Number: 2

Geometry Type: IFMEFace

Sidedness: `2-sided'

Front Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Back Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Transformation Matrix:

|0.0009989892413862524 -4.4949923187032184e-5 0 334299.626 |

|4.4949923187032184e-5 0.0009989892413862524 0 6254967.655 |

|0 0 0.001 6.149999999999999|

|0 0 0 1 |


Geometry Type: IFMEPolygon


Geometry Type: IFMELine

Number of Coordinates: 5 -- Coordinate Dimension: 3



Surface Number: 3

Geometry Type: IFMEFace

Sidedness: `2-sided'

Front Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Back Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Transformation Matrix:

|0.0009989892413862524 -4.4949923187032184e-5 0 334299.626 |

|4.4949923187032184e-5 0.0009989892413862524 0 6254967.655 |

|0 0 0.001 6.149999999999999|

|0 0 0 1 |


Geometry Type: IFMEPolygon


Geometry Type: IFMELine

Number of Coordinates: 5 -- Coordinate Dimension: 3



Surface Number: 4

Geometry Type: IFMEFace

Sidedness: `2-sided'

Front Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Back Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Transformation Matrix:

|0.0009989892413862524 -4.4949923187032184e-5 0 334489.3439523135|

|4.4949923187032184e-5 0.0009989892413862524 0 6254331.372708753|

|0 0 0.001 28.29 |

|0 0 0 1 |


Geometry Type: IFMEPolygon


Geometry Type: IFMELine

Number of Coordinates: 5 -- Coordinate Dimension: 3



Surface Number: 5

Geometry Type: IFMEFace

Sidedness: `2-sided'

Front Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Back Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Transformation Matrix:

|0.0009989892413862524 -4.4949923187032184e-5 0 334489.3439523135|

|4.4949923187032184e-5 0.0009989892413862524 0 6254331.372708753|

|0 0 0.001 28.29 |

|0 0 0 1 |


Geometry Type: IFMEPolygon


Geometry Type: IFMELine

Number of Coordinates: 5 -- Coordinate Dimension: 3



Number of Inner Surfaces: 0

Right Operand:

Geometry Type: IFMEBRepSolid

Name(UTF-8): `Body'

Number of Geometry Traits: 2

GeometryTrait(64 bit unsigned integer): `ifc_instance_name' has value `218561'

GeometryTrait(string: UTF-8) : `ifc_opening_id' has value `2G2BPIy8V4qaUWbhBJ08Io'

Front Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Back Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Outer Surface:

Geometry Type: IFMECompositeSurface

Sidedness: `2-sided'

Front Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Back Appearance Reference: `<inherited_or_default_appearance>'

Number of Surfaces: 5


Surface Number: 0

Geometry Type: IFMEFace

Sidedness: `2-sided'

Front Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Back Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Transformation Matrix:

|0.0009989892413862524 -4.4949923187032184e-5 0 334299.626 |

|4.4949923187032184e-5 0.0009989892413862524 0 6254967.655 |

|0 0 0.001 6.149999999999999|

|0 0 0 1 |


Geometry Type: IFMEPolygon


Geometry Type: IFMELine

Number of Coordinates: 4 -- Coordinate Dimension: 3



Surface Number: 1

Geometry Type: IFMEFace

Sidedness: `2-sided'

Front Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Back Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Transformation Matrix:

|0.0009989892413862524 -4.4949923187032184e-5 0 334299.626 |

|4.4949923187032184e-5 0.0009989892413862524 0 6254967.655 |

|0 0 0.001 6.149999999999999|

|0 0 0 1 |


Geometry Type: IFMEPolygon


Geometry Type: IFMELine

Number of Coordinates: 4 -- Coordinate Dimension: 3



Surface Number: 2

Geometry Type: IFMEFace

Sidedness: `2-sided'

Front Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Back Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Transformation Matrix:

|0.0009989892413862524 -4.4949923187032184e-5 0 334299.626 |

|4.4949923187032184e-5 0.0009989892413862524 0 6254967.655 |

|0 0 0.001 6.149999999999999|

|0 0 0 1 |


Geometry Type: IFMEPolygon


Geometry Type: IFMELine

Number of Coordinates: 5 -- Coordinate Dimension: 3



Surface Number: 3

Geometry Type: IFMEFace

Sidedness: `2-sided'

Front Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Back Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Transformation Matrix:

|0.0009989892413862524 -4.4949923187032184e-5 0 334299.626 |

|4.4949923187032184e-5 0.0009989892413862524 0 6254967.655 |

|0 0 0.001 6.149999999999999|

|0 0 0 1 |


Geometry Type: IFMEPolygon


Geometry Type: IFMELine

Number of Coordinates: 5 -- Coordinate Dimension: 3



Surface Number: 4

Geometry Type: IFMEFace

Sidedness: `2-sided'

Front Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Back Appearance Reference: `10587' to appearance named `Concrete - Precast Concrete'

Transformation Matrix:

|0.0009989892413862524 -4.4949923187032184e-5 0 334299.626 |

|4.4949923187032184e-5 0.0009989892413862524 0 6254967.655 |

|0 0 0.001 6.149999999999999|

|0 0 0 1 |


Geometry Type: IFMEPolygon


Geometry Type: IFMELine

Number of Coordinates: 5 -- Coordinate Dimension: 3



Number of Inner Surfaces: 0


GEODATABASE_FILE writer: A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

GeometryPartExtractor_2_GQuery_Extract (GQueryFactory): A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

GeometryValidator (GeometryValidationFactory): A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

GeometryCoercer_5 (GQueryFactory): A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

GeometryPropertyExtractor_GQuery (GQueryFactory): A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

FeatureReader_4 (QueryFactory): A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

Creator_3_XML_Creator (CreationFactory): A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

Hi, I can't say for sure what is going on because it can also be the way your geometry is constructed. However, I have never has success with writing solids directly to FGDB multipatches. I always need to deaggregate, sometimes in multiple steps because just one transformer won't get the job done even when using the "flatten all levels” in the deaggregator. A good rule of thumb is to try and get your geometry to the FME type IFMEMultiSurface. I have never had problems with writing this geometry type to multisurface.

If you need extra help it might be good to share 1 single geometry which I can test on.
