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Good Day everyone

I have some difficulties reading an ifc file. There is an IfcBuildingPartElement that is apparently ‘too’ complex to read. 

When excluding Geometry from the FeatureReader running it is successful, but as I am trying to analyse the Geometry, it is kind of needed to include it whilst reading. The Error message does not tell me which of the objects it read failed, which makes it hard to figure out how to bypass the geometry. Does anybody have any solutions how to get it to skip/process the complex pieces? 

I have tried to ‘Continue Translation’ for Rejected Feature Handling, no luck

FME Workbench Message:
Processing on a solid has failed. The solid may be too complex, not closed, or not orientable.


Feature Reader Settings:



Hi, @freddy17.

Thanks for posting! After looking into your question, it seems similar to the bugs FMEENGINE-73950 and FMEENGINE-29910.
My suggestion would be, if you can and are comfortable sharing your findings (by text is perfect), to examine the objects in another software, verifying which objects could be potentially complex (e.g., happens with objects placed in openings or a particular face is identified incorrectly). Let me know how it goes, and we can try to find a workaround.
Thank you!

Hi Ali. 

Thanks for coming back to me. 

This is quite an important issue to me as I deal a lot with Ifc files, so I will take time to dive deeper into the topic to find out where the failure happens. Just give me a day or two to make to get it done.


