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I am having problems trying to read a tag set from a DGN file. The 'title' view in the model holds some file metadata in 62 tags that I need to extract and potentially inlcude as attributes as part of a CAD to GIS translation. The 62 tags appear to be associated with a level that holds a single text element, but when I read the model I can't detect the tags. Any help on how I should be configuring the reader would be appreciated. But also confirmation of if the DGN model is correctly structured would also be good. I have attached a screenshot of the tag properties from the DGN model.

Hi @iew,

In the reader parameters, have you tried checking off "Read Tags Attributes"?

Also, have you seen this article on Reading Tags? This may help you if you havent seen it yet. If you are still experiencing problems, would you be able to share your DGN file and your workspace? If you can't do it here, would you mind submitting a support ticket. Thanks!


Thanks for your reply. I had looked at the article you suggested and tried to follow it, but no joy. I have also played around with the reader parameters but still no tags coming through. This makes me wonder if its more to do with how the DGN is actually structured, how the TAGs have been generated. I am not sure they have been assigned to an element/feature in a way FME requires to see them. Is there any way you can clarify exactly what FME is expecting from this perspective please?


Thanks for your reply. I had looked at the article you suggested and tried to follow it, but no joy. I have also played around with the reader parameters but still no tags coming through. This makes me wonder if its more to do with how the DGN is actually structured, how the TAGs have been generated. I am not sure they have been assigned to an element/feature in a way FME requires to see them. Is there any way you can clarify exactly what FME is expecting from this perspective please?

The documentation goes over how tags are represented and read. Most relevant in understanding how tags are read in to FME:


"FME will read the tag set elements and then the tag set definitions. Then as it reads each graphical element from the design file, it uses the element association ID to reconnect the data and attribute names with the graphical element. All the tag data values are then added to the feature returned into FME."


Also keep in mind that if there are "null" tags, these will not be read in. Perhaps trying to expose the attribute "igds_tag_names{}" with the AttributeExposer, will allow you to see a list of tag names (if FME is reading them).


Following up on this older forum post in case any other users encounter a similar sounding issue when trying to read DGN tags.

The issue that @iew encountered with a particular DGN is because the tags are not associated with an element. We currently are only able to read tag information that is associated with an element, this is also described in our documentation here.



We have an existing request to add support to read unassociated tag information (internal reference number: FMEENGINE-10364 ). We will update this post when the issue has been addressed.
