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I would like to transform a directory with several DXF oder DWG files with
a coordinate transformation and write all the DXF or DWG files into one new
directory. How can I write all the files with the same schema as the input
files? I need an output file per input file. I only get one merged output file from the input files. I tried to do that with dynamic reader and writer. How can I get the same amount with same schema of output files like the input files? With esri shapefile this ist easily possible with dynamic workflow.

Thank you!

Look for the setting "Fanaout Dataset" on the Writer.

Use the attribute fme_basename as the Fanout attribute (it contains the name of the file from the Reader).

That allows you to create the same files in a different folder on the output.

Dynamic is the way to go for this job, but as @erik_jan mentions, the dynamic transformation will use the fme_feature_type ( in cad terms layer or level), what you need is the fme_basename (file name).

Thank you for the suggestion.

I made a AttributeExposer with Attribute to Expose: fme_basename. I tried to set the writer but it's not working yet.

How can I configurate the writer that I get the dxf files?

Thank you for the suggestion.

I made a AttributeExposer with Attribute to Expose: fme_basename. I tried to set the writer but it's not working yet.

How can I configurate the writer that I get the dxf files?

I think that this is a good place to start when trying a dynamic translation:



And in your case this I would recommend this too:


just mind the difference between the GIS example and your CAN data , especially the difference between the fme_basename and fme_feature_type!FeatureTypeProperties/feature_types_attributes.htm?Highlight=basename#About2



thank you @itay, unfotunately
this is not helping for my problem. I made a new attempt for solving it because
it would be very helpful for several workflows.

I follow the steps like in the
tutorial "Dynamic Workflows: Destination Schema as a Mirror Image
of the Source Dataset " described, but there is no automaticlly published
Parameter called 'Feature Types to Read'.

I can write shapefile data dynamically in a new folder and the difference
with the feature type to CAD data is clear but I can't implement it for the CAD
data. I need something like a feature type fanout in the writer from the
feature type, but I don't know how.

Can someone help me?
