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Hi there!


In a generic export workbench, I need to use a FeatureWriter
to filter when a JPEG2000 output is selected.

No problem to export in JPEG2000.
It works perfectly. Althought in this case, I need to generate a world file
after so I added a RasterPropertiesExtractor transformer, but Ive got
a error:

"@RasterProperties: Failed
to obtain raster from feature. Only features with raster geometry are
? Obviously it's raster geometry: the image has been exported.

I added a GeometryFilter to
filter on Raster but still got the error

Could it be a limitation to the
new FeatureWriter transformer?

Hi @steve14 the feature writer will return a non geometry feature describing a summery of the features written.

Using that information you could read back the raster and extract its properties.

Hope this helps

Probably be easier to make a duplicate connection from the transformer before the FeatureWriter. One goes to the FeatureWriter, another to the RasterPropertiesExtractor.

Probably be easier to make a duplicate connection from the transformer before the FeatureWriter. One goes to the FeatureWriter, another to the RasterPropertiesExtractor.

True, but that depends on the input and what is happening to it, without knowing that my guess will be to read the resulting features back to make sure the properties are correct.


