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How to uninstall FME trial on Mac OS X

  • 15 September 2017
  • 3 replies

What is the best way to uninstall FME on Mac OS X?

Best answer by steveatsafe

Hi @yoseffby, Great question! What version of FME do you have on your Mac? I ask because older versions had a little different foot print.

For FME Desktop 2017, visit the Applications folder in Finder and FME 2017.1 folder. If you intend not to run FME Desktop again on your Mac OS then you can also visit the Application Support folder delete the FME and FME Desktop Help folders. Next visit /Library/FME/ and location the 2017.1 folder. Remove that and you should be done.

In summary, the 3 places to remove folders and completely uninstall FME from your Mac OS:

  • /Applications/ > delete the FME <version(s)> folders
  • /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/ > delete the folders: FME, FME Desktop Help, FME Workbench, Safe Software
  • /Library/ > delete the FME folder
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Hi @yoseffby, Great question! What version of FME do you have on your Mac? I ask because older versions had a little different foot print.

For FME Desktop 2017, visit the Applications folder in Finder and FME 2017.1 folder. If you intend not to run FME Desktop again on your Mac OS then you can also visit the Application Support folder delete the FME and FME Desktop Help folders. Next visit /Library/FME/ and location the 2017.1 folder. Remove that and you should be done.

In summary, the 3 places to remove folders and completely uninstall FME from your Mac OS:

  • /Applications/ > delete the FME <version(s)> folders
  • /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/ > delete the folders: FME, FME Desktop Help, FME Workbench, Safe Software
  • /Library/ > delete the FME folder


If you are upgrading from a trial license to a full license you can run with the same software, just need to replace the license file.

Also, on the Mac OS you can run more then 1 version of FME, I have 2016.1, 2017.0, 2017.1, and 2018.0 on my Mac. However you can't have 2 different builds for the same version - ex. I can't have 2018.0 b18001 and 2018.0 b18020 at the same time... the 2018.0 installer would replace the previous contents for 2018.0.

  • Evangelist
  • September 15, 2017
steveatsafe wrote:

Hi @yoseffby, Great question! What version of FME do you have on your Mac? I ask because older versions had a little different foot print.

For FME Desktop 2017, visit the Applications folder in Finder and FME 2017.1 folder. If you intend not to run FME Desktop again on your Mac OS then you can also visit the Application Support folder delete the FME and FME Desktop Help folders. Next visit /Library/FME/ and location the 2017.1 folder. Remove that and you should be done.

In summary, the 3 places to remove folders and completely uninstall FME from your Mac OS:

  • /Applications/ > delete the FME <version(s)> folders
  • /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/ > delete the folders: FME, FME Desktop Help, FME Workbench, Safe Software
  • /Library/ > delete the FME folder
Good to know it! :) thanks @SteveAtSafe


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